by Christine Kenneally BH | Aug 2, 2012 | Identity, Social complexity/connection
In the August issue of The Monthly, I write about the half-million Australian children who were incarcerated in "orphanages" in C20th Australia. The issue is now on...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Jul 4, 2012 | Uncategorized
…and one day soon I will tweet. Please follow me @chriskenneally
by Christine Kenneally BH | Jul 4, 2012 | Dance, Energy, Flow
Countertechnique: a cross between Zen Buddhism and Newton’s third law of motion. I wrote about Anouk van Dijk in The Monthly
by Christine Kenneally BH | Jun 10, 2012 | Dingo, History
I contributed to James Gorman's piece about the last chapter in the Azaria trial. The dingo did it. New York Times.
by Christine Kenneally BH | May 31, 2012 | Attention, Books, Brain, Common sense, Consciousness, Science
Even as the number of hours in the day remains fixed, the number of decisions we must make grows. Organic versus non? Public versus private? Paper versus digital? Modern adults must navigate real and virtual worlds, and if they have children, they need to keep an eye...