The enigmatic dingo

Not dog or wolf, dingoes live in the wild but are curious about humans. They can fish, too. It was fascinating to learn more about them when I contributed to this article with Jim Gorman in The New York Times.

Location, location, location

After writing about US emergency number 911 for TIME magazine, I was curious to see how Australia's triple-0 compared. Of course, it's a whole other place, much smaller population, different habits around technology, and different regulatory environment....

Award This

One of 2011's most satisfying moments was receiving a Mander Jones Award from the Australian Society of Archivists for "Archive This." I have a particular fascination with this world. I'm keen to write about it again.

Best Australian Science Writing 2011

The idea that science writing can be important, entertaining and even literary is long overdue in Australia. Great thanks to the University of New South Wales Press for blowing preconceptions away with the nation's inaugural volume of Best Science Writing, which I...