by Christine Kenneally BH | May 8, 2013 | Ancient DNA, Ancient genomics, Australopithecus afarensis, Brain, Complexity, Consciousness, Evolution, Extinction, Fire, First human..., Genes, History, Homo erectus, Homo floresiensis, Homo habilis, Humans, Mitochondrial DNA, Neandertals, Prehistoric humans, Science, Social complexity/connection, Soul/Free Will, Walking
I reviewed four new science books for The New York Times. They span millions of years, beginning with the birth of humanity and ending with a serious look at...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Sep 1, 2011 | Ancient DNA, Books, Ned Kelly, Science, Skeletal remains
Mark Greenwood wrote a wonderful book for children called Ned Kelly and the Green Sash. Dr. Jeremy Smith, Senior Archeologist at Heritage Victoria, wrote about his investigation into the skeletal remains found at Pentridge Prison for Providence, the journal of the...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Aug 31, 2011 | Ancient DNA, Books, Forensic anthropology, Genes, J.J. Kenneally, Mitochondrial DNA, Ned Kelly, Odontology, Relics, Skeletal remains
Consider the case of Ned Kelly's skull. You can read my article about the bushranger's DNA and the solution to this decades-old mystery at The New York Times. Here, the August 22, 1880 article in The New York Times reporting the capture of the Kelly...