by Christine Kenneally BH | May 8, 2013 | Ancient DNA, Ancient genomics, Australopithecus afarensis, Brain, Complexity, Consciousness, Evolution, Extinction, Fire, First human..., Genes, History, Homo erectus, Homo floresiensis, Homo habilis, Humans, Mitochondrial DNA, Neandertals, Prehistoric humans, Science, Social complexity/connection, Soul/Free Will, Walking
I reviewed four new science books for The New York Times. They span millions of years, beginning with the birth of humanity and ending with a serious look at...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Aug 31, 2007 | Ancient genomics, Neandertals
Over the last year, two separate groups of researchers have been trying to sequence the Neandertal genome using DNA from the same fossil. An independent team assessed both group’s analyses and announced this week that there were worrying inconsistencies between...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Aug 27, 2007 | Ancient genomics, Genes, Ice, Resuscitation
How do bacteria survive encased in ice for millions of years? Scientist used to believe the genetic material was essentially frozen in stasis. New studies suggest that in order to stay viable the bacteria must undergo continual DNA repair over the many long years of...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Aug 12, 2007 | Ancient genomics, Genes, Ice, Resuscitation
In the Dry Valleys of the Transantarctic Mountains there are pockets of ice up to 8 million years old. Last week, scientists announced that they resuscitated microbes from this ice. If the microbes are as old as the ice, they were around long before humans split from...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Aug 6, 2007 | Ancient genomics, Neandertals, Prehistoric humans
The difference between the hulking heads of our Neanderthal cousins and our more graceful selves is merely a matter of chance, say scientists in the Journal of Human Evolution. The difference between our skulls and theirs probably results from genetic...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Jul 11, 2007 | Ancient genomics, Mammoth, Preserved animals, Squid
An almost perfectly preserved baby mammoth has been found in Siberia, and scientists are hailing the discovery as invaluable. Virtually everything about the little beast is intact, even it’s eyes remain. I’m not sure how rare it is to unearth prehistoric...