Neandertal FoxP2, human too

It was announced today that Neandertals had the same version of the FoxP2 gene that humans do. Because it’s thought that our particular version of FoxP2 is involved in speech and language, it may be that Neandertals also had these skills. It’ll be...

Neandertals in China?

More news from one the teams sequencing the Neandertal genome. Our large cousins traveled at least 2000 miles further than thought. Mitochondrial DNA analyses carried out by Svante Paabo and colleagues show that Neandertals traveled to central Asia and Siberia, and...

Gene popsicles

In the Dry Valleys of the Transantarctic Mountains there are pockets of ice up to 8 million years old. Last week, scientists announced that they resuscitated microbes from this ice. If the microbes are as old as the ice, they were around long before humans split from...