by Christine Kenneally BH | May 8, 2013 | Ancient DNA, Ancient genomics, Australopithecus afarensis, Brain, Complexity, Consciousness, Evolution, Extinction, Fire, First human..., Genes, History, Homo erectus, Homo floresiensis, Homo habilis, Humans, Mitochondrial DNA, Neandertals, Prehistoric humans, Science, Social complexity/connection, Soul/Free Will, Walking
I reviewed four new science books for The New York Times. They span millions of years, beginning with the birth of humanity and ending with a serious look at...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Oct 18, 2007 | FoxP2, Genes, Neandertals
It was announced today that Neandertals had the same version of the FoxP2 gene that humans do. Because it’s thought that our particular version of FoxP2 is involved in speech and language, it may be that Neandertals also had these skills. It’ll be...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Oct 16, 2007 | Genes, Neandertals
More news from one the teams sequencing the Neandertal genome. Our large cousins traveled at least 2000 miles further than thought. Mitochondrial DNA analyses carried out by Svante Paabo and colleagues show that Neandertals traveled to central Asia and Siberia, and...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Sep 12, 2007 | Extinction, Neandertals
Of the many possible explanations for the demise of the Neandertals (competition with humans, sex with humans and being folded into our genome, infection from humans, climate), researchers say in this week’s Nature that climate can now be ruled out. A massive...
by Christine Kenneally BH | Sep 12, 2007 | Neandertals
Neandertals took care of their teeth. Two molars over 64,000 years old show signs of regular cleaning. Reuters.
by Christine Kenneally BH | Aug 31, 2007 | Ancient genomics, Neandertals
Over the last year, two separate groups of researchers have been trying to sequence the Neandertal genome using DNA from the same fossil. An independent team assessed both group’s analyses and announced this week that there were worrying inconsistencies between...