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Influences in the Reading Newsletter
Great writing can be a beacon in the fog for a writer in the middle of their own book, even if the subjects are very different. As I wrote The Invisible History, I would sometimes stumble on a great idea or canny manoeuvre in a newspaper...
Q&A with National Geographic
"In her early 20s, Christine Kenneally discovered something about her Australian forebears that upended her sense of identity and family history. In her new book, The Invisible History of the Human Race: How DNA and History Shape Our Identities and Our Futures, she...
Six must-read Australian authors
"Her thoroughly researched approach to the topic was direct but not clinical – she neither shied away from the harrowing facts nor did she sensationalise them." Read more at Readings
World Science Festival SmartReads Q&A
"Our ancestors pass along their beliefs, their stories, and their DNA—and we are only just beginning to understand the impact of genes passed down through generations. In her rich new book, The Invisible History of the Human Race: How DNA and...
I was thrilled to find out I’m a convict princess
"The “thick mist” that shrouded her family tree has lifted. “It was very much a personal journey and it answered a lot of my questions,” she says. “The book was a way of having a conversation with my Dad.” Read more at The Guardian
Publication day!
The Invisible History of the Human Race: How DNA and History Shape Our Identities and Our Futures is out TODAY in the USA! If you want to buy it online, check out the links to the right. The book is out in Australia in November.
The Limits of Biological Psychiatry
Does Autism Hold the Key to What Makes Humans Special?
Three New Books Explore the Machinery of the Mind
Maria Popova Weaves Together Stories of Human Ingenuity
‘The Tattooist of Auschwitz’ and the History in Historical Fiction
When Language Can Hold the Answer
“The Hedgehog, the Fox, and the Magister’s Pox”
Power From the People Breaks the Hold of Batteries and Plugs
Drawing the Map of the Life by Victor McElheny
Through the Language Glass by Guy Deutscher
Adam’s Tongue by Derek Bickerton & Finding Our Tongue by Dean Falk
Freedom from Selection Lets Genes Get Creative
The World in Six Songs by Daniel J. Levitin
Thousand Mile Song by David Rothenberg